Symptoms of coronavirus | notice that otherwise

What is coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a newly discovered deadly virus has founded in the Wuhan city in china say sources that are infectious disease Symptoms of coronavirus are difficult to detect spread in the human body by close contact it is also known as Novel coronavirus.
The most important factor that it’s the crown-like structure that’s why it’s known as coronavirus it’s crown-like shape helps to easily attach with the human body to infect it enter into the human body by nose, mouth, and eyes.
The novel coronavirus symptoms are mostly similar to SARS COVID-2 (Severe Acute respiratory syndrome)November 2002 to July 2003 was founded in Beijing city China it is also spread in approx. 29 countries were affected 776 people died and 8090 approx. people were infected in India.
The symptom of COVID-19 may take 2 days to 14 days max. to infect and visible to others that shows people are infected or not with coronavirus infection even in some cases it does not display the symptom but it is coronavirus infected(it is called an asymptomatic case).
Coronavirus spread through droplets of noses while an infected person sneezing that’s mean a corona infected person is sneezing all the saliva droplets is spreading in the nearby area and get infected other if they inhale that atmosphere.
- Care from Coronavirus symptoms
- Symptoms of coronavirus
- Most common symptom
- Less common symptom
- Serious coronavirus symptoms
- Types of coronavirus
- How are COVID-19 is different from the flu?
- Is the mask protects from Corona?
- What is the Recover Rate of coronavirus?
- Conclusion
Care from Coronavirus symptoms
As we know care is better than cure if we want to live safe and secure, so we have to follow some guideline to prevent get infected because there is no vaccine and medicine are prepared to fight from the deadly coronavirus guidelines are below:
- Time to time wash your hands every 30 min. with shop and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
- At least a 2-meter distance between infected or even disinfected people to avoid any kind of pandemic either they’re sneezing or coughing.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, and nose.
- Cover your mouth and nose with bend elbow and handkerchief while coughing and sneezing.
- Avoid going outside from home if your feeling seek‘.
- Stay away from smoking and drinking.
Symptoms of coronavirus
There are some coronavirus symptoms to know about the disease before you get some serious condition.
If you have a high fever then you have to contact your doctor or COVID-19 helpline number +91-11-23978046.
Most common Symptom
- Fever:- Fever is the most common symptom of any disease because it occurs when the human body tries to defeat bacteria and viruses. The human body becomes heat and viruses and bacteria get to die, so it is not possible if you are suffering from fever that is a coronavirus.
- Dry Cough:- It is also a common viral. It occurs when the weather changes and we take some cold things like Icecream, ice cubes, and others. If you have a serious problem, so you have to worry because in most corona cases all patients coughing and sneezing.
- 3.Tiredness:- If we work hard then tiredness is normal. You don’t work hard even any kind of work but feeling tiredness so something is fishy. Now, you check your health statement as soon as possible.
Less common symptom
- Aches and pain:- Aches and pain is a symptom of coronavirus, NO! Because it is normal to an average age person so don’t worry but not careless about it.
- Sore throat:- Sore throat is a bacterial infection is also known as pharyngitis. It happens when a human takes hot food, more use of voice, and thirsty if you have any of them. So, you Don’t take tension
- Diarrhea:- Diarrhoea is also can be in corona patient but it observes in fewer cases because it is food infection.
- Conjunctivitis:- Conjunctivitis is a viral and bacterial infection that can be easily transformed from one person to another. It affects your white part of your eye and it becomes redness.
- Headache:- Presser and tension has ever 2nd person that cause headache and more. Normal cause is the lake of sleep, stress, loud noise, etc. says CDN
- Loss of taste or smell:- Loss of taste and smell is more factor of coronavirus but it detects in some people.
- A rash on small:- Skin rashes also Occurs by bacteria it an easy transfer to one person to another.
NOTE:- All lines that define in less common symptoms probably occur in some cases. We do not comment that is correct or not.
Serious coronavirus Symptom
- Difficulty Breathing:- Difficulty in breathing is a serious problem If anyone gets infected by a coronavirus. Firstly they don’t know that he/she gets infected by coronavirus at the initial stage after 7 to 14 days they get serious and not in some cases because of their immune system defeat from the virus. The stronger immune system fights to the virus if WBC(white blood cells) successfully removes the virus than the human recover from the virus and gets well if can’t they have a problem to take a breath here ventilator is required for feeding.
- Chest pain or pressure:- Chest pain is also a critical issue for COVID 19 patients because viruses get stuck in the lungs and resist to inhale oxygen.
- Loss of speech or movement:- If the patient isn’t responding or talking to the doctor. It may be the last stage of the patient they fight to corona If they can’t patient no more in the world that was a very sad movement.
Types of coronavirus
Types of Coronavirus? yes ! you have read right there are two types of coronavirus. Doctors are finding new things about coronavirus day by day. Doctors found in studies that human coronavirus are seven types:-
- 229E (alpha coronavirus)
- NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
- OC43 (beta coronavirus)
- HKU1 (beta coronavirus)
- MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
- SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
- SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)
At the above types of coronavirus, the source is below for more information click the link :-
How are COVID-19 is different from the flu?
As we are talking about symptoms of coronavirus. We have to know, how it is different from the flu. There are some differences between corona and flu
The list are below:-
- It is transferable from one person to another by Droplets , social or physical contact and infected surface.
- Its symptoms takes 1-14 days to visible.
- Coronavirus is less affected to children it mostly infected to the adults.
- To know more different between coronovirus and flu
- Flu is also transmit from one to other easily.
- Its symptoms takes 1-4 days to visible.
- Children is the basic host of flu who can easily effected and spread all over.
Is the mask protects from Corona?
Yes, the mask can be protected from viruses to inhale it directly to your nose while anyone sneezing Near you. According to WHO guidelines for wear mask is:-
- Wear Mask while you are going to a crowded place.
- You can wear any mask which is made of cotton cloth and no one can afford a mask than they can use their handkerchief.
- If some work in a hospital N-95 mask is compulsory to protect themselves
What is the Recover Rate of coronavirus?
Covid-19 is a very dangerous disease for all either kids or adults and seniors. It affects anyone of them but one of the best parts is they also recover from this disease by his Immunity power Child above 5 years and adults gets rid form this virus under the 2 week to 6 weeks at mild condition but blow 5years or above 55years person can’t be. so, they lose their lives from this coronavirus disease.
Day by day coronavirus cases increase but the recovery rate is also increasing at present recovery rate if coronavirus is more then 50 percent
coronavirus is crown like shape it spread easily it found in china firtly it is similar to 2003 SARS COVID-2(july 2002) but more dangersos or deadly care from corona is better than cure and folle WHO giuedlines to prevent get infected or go to mild condition.
Its most common symptoms is
- Fever
- Dry cough
- Tiredness
Less common Symptoms is aches and pain, sore throat, headaches or more.
Its becomes serious when patient at mild condition that difficulty in breathing cheast pain or speechless .
It is more similar to flu masks and social distance can protect yourselves to get ill Coronavirus is a big problem for the world because No treatment or vaccine is developed to fight the world’s most intelligent scientist try to make vaccine they experiment day to night for the developed vaccine but not yet.
One fine day will not far when the proved vaccine will develop and we will win the war against coronavirus.
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