30 fun facts about animals for animal lovers only

Hey there! Are you an animals lover and finding some more interesting fun facts about animals and want to explore animals to enhance your knowledge then you have to read out this whole article otherwise leave it now?
if yes, so continue with factblow there is a large number of animals are living in this world and approx more than 70 lakh species are living with us in the world we will tell you some fun facts about animals that will sound like wow
Let’s begin…………………
Now read interesting facts about animals quickly.
fun facts about animals
1. Tiger has unique striped skin as a human fingerprint.

Tiger is the national animal of India as well as a dangerous creature on land. As we know that all creature have their unique identity to find them. Same as tigers have unique stripes skin as a human fingerprint but few tigers are left in the world. Sound sad, Please🙏🙏🙏 save tigers to extinct.
2. Ants never sleep.

If somebody says us to work hard they give the example of ants Do work hard as “ANTS” The fun facts about ants are that Ants never sleep in their whole life even they don’t have Lungs.
3. Rats will laugh if you tickle.

If somebody tickles me, I laugh a lot, what about you? {comment below}. It is the nature of human but a Rat also laugh When somebody tickles them. It’s looking Quiet.
4. Anteaters can eat 30,000 ants and termites in a day without teeth.

The giant anteaters have the longest tongues in compersion to the body of any animal. Its narrow tongue is about 2 feet long and anteaters get tongue inside up to 150 times per minute.
Anteater eats 30,000 ants and terminates without teeth.😲😲😲 OMG
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5. Penguins have great hearing power to detect exact sound.

Do you think ever is penguins have ears or not Ummm 🤔 No, but we will tell you interesting facts that penguins have great power of hearing without visible ears like other animals.
6. Meom sound of cats for seeking human attention.
Every animal has the language to communicates with another animal even to humans, But cats have facts that meow sound is not for communicating to other cats it’s only for seeking the attention of humans, that’s it.
7. Moray Eel has had two Jaw.

Moray Eel is also known as MURAENIDAE. It was founded worldwide. It’s like living in Brackish water for his safety. Moray Eel has two jaws Its only fish that have two jaws. The second jaw is below the head with a complete few teeth moray uses the second jaws for chewing his pray.
8. Born Male but turns female for mating.

Clownfish is the cutest pet fish for your mini aquarium as you saw in the FINDING NEMO movie. The fact is clownfish born male first and change gender into a female for Mating. interesting fun facts about animals. isn’t it?
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9. Color turtles have more ways to breathe except the nose.

Factblow asking you what way you use to breathe? Obiasily from Nose, there is no doubt all creatures use, but except one, the turtle can take breathe through butts, Yes it’s Unbelievable facts but true.
10. Dogs have unique identities as a human’s fingerprint.

Human uses a fingerprint to identify them who is As it is dogs has also a unique identity but not fingerprint it is nose print yes all dogs have different nose print which is easy to find identify them.
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11. Ravens can make spoof others easily.
Ravens and its carved family-like Crow and jays are super intelligent. They can cheat each other and other birds easily.
12. Kolas bears wake up for 2 hours and sleep the remaining 22 hours.

kolas bears are mostly living in Australia and quietest animals but lazy. kolas love to sleep on trees. kolas sleep 22 hours in the day.
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13. Catfish easily kill a flying pigeon.

A catfish, yes! Catfish are masters to kill pigeons for feeding themselves. They can easily catch a flying pigeon but not all catfish some are, catfish jump outer the water for catching pigeons who take bath on the water surface.
14. Kangro baby only one inch when born.

A kangaroo gives birth to a baby kangaroo. It is only one inch long is equal to Queen bee.
15. Glass frog you can see it’s internal part is visible.

A lime green color frog as you can see in the image is visible in its internal organ easily by the naked eye.
16. Dolphin sleeps half at a time.
Dolphin’s brain sleep half at a time and another half brain work, as usual, it happens because of preventing immersing the dolphin in deep water while sleeping.
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17. Shrimp’s heart is in the head.mp

what do you think where are the heart situated in the animals? At chest only, No there is an animal Named Shrimp. Its heart is situated in its head, so it interesting facts or not.
18. An Octopus carries three hearts and nine brains.three

Yes, fact lovers, it’s true. An octopus has three hearts one heart (upper side ) is used to pump blood to a body called the systematic heart. The other two pump blood to gills called branchial heart. It is not enough. Octopus has nine brains to control their multiple arms at a time.
19. R.E.M (“Everybody hurts”) is the favorite music of cows.
A study says that cows give more milk while listening to music, not music it’s sad music yes, In America and other places. The farmer plays the famous band R.E.M ‘s music “Everbody hurts” cows give more milk while listing this music says, farmers.
20. Suger no matter for cats for it is in milk or not.
If you are a cat lover or you have a cat so you have to know that cats can’t savor sugar because they don’t have sweat taste buds for detecting sugar.
21. Bats have an outstanding sense of sight and smell even day time.

Yes, we heard that bats are using their eco waves to find clear direction, Absolutely right, but fruit bats have a great sense of sight and smell to find their way.
22. One more fact about Bat gives birth to their baby while hanging upside down.
Bats live in the trees at an upside-down position with sleep, eat and enjoy but the fact is the female bat gives newborn baby while the hanging upside down and tree. When the baby falls down mother catches it on their wings. (Wow mom🥰🥰)
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23. Flamingo turns pink cause of eating algae and brine shrimp.

Flamingo is the most beautiful bird more when standing on one leg. Its natural color is white but turns pink because of its food. flamingo takes algae and brine shrimp for feeding and makes them pink. (Awesome, what about you)
24. Interesting facts about AXOLOTL recreates it’s damaged or lost body parts, such as tail, limbs, central nervous system.

The axolotl is a beautiful amphibian creature it is also known as Mexican fish but it is not a fish. It s likely to be found in Mexico as a pet ant the fun facts about AXOLOTL can repair or regenerate its lost appendages in a month that not enough at the same time it can regenerate its tail, limb, central nervous system, and tissue of the eye and heart.
25. World’s largest rat-free Province.
Alberta is a part of Canada. Its population is 4,067,175(source Wikipedia) people like the 2016 census and the Area is 660,000 square kilometers. It’s the most beautiful city in Canada and the fun fact about animals is its rat-free area. Yes, Alberta is one of the largest rat-free areas in the world.
26. Killing a panda is a punishable offense in chine.

All Panda is own by china and china has created strict laws for pandas if you see a panda and injured them so you will get in prison, yes and most strict is if killing a panda is a punishable offense by death.
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27. Farmers painted their cows for preventing from bits.
Flies, mosquitos, and other buds are always disturbing cows even bite them so scientists discover a unique way to solve this that paints the cows like zebra stripes (white and black) it confuses insects and buds it produces an optical illusion, and prevents to bits.
28. Sloths can digest a leaf up to a month.

sloth word is related to slow due to its slow behavior. It gets a name sloth because slow behavior is the cause of its low energy diet of food. Sloth can take a month to digest a leaf. Its digestion is superslow from sloth.
29. Crocodile survives up to a century.
when we see a crocodile what we say wow how bigger is this but the story behind that is the age crocodile can survive at least 100 years in a healthy diet and life.
30. Deer can run at a speed of 80 km per hour.
Yes, it is possible for rain deer can run 80 km(50 miles)per hour at top speed when they feel in danger. they can.
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Quick Fun Facts about animals only for you
- The fear of any animal is called Zoophobia.
- Capuchin monkey washes its feet by his pee.
- The males are called Peacocks but females are called …….(comment below).
- Cats are able to hear ultrasound but the human isn’t.
- Honey bees can be affected by sexually transmitted diseases.
- Housefly life only for 14 days.
- Cows are the best friends of each other.
- Dolphins call each other by name.
- Japanese macaques play with snowballs for having fun.
- Turritopsis nutricula jellyfish is never died by its self.
- Butterflies have taste buds in their feet. can taste any things.
- Male horses have 40 to 42 teeth and females have 36 to 40 teeth.
- How are you taste By your tongue? but B to taste. yes, it’s true.
- Owls group also called Parliament.
- Mouse eats own tail when it starving.
The world is full of joy and animals also god gifted to us for playing and with them not for killing and eating but some are. those people don’t know if animals get extinct then the balance of the world get unbalance so love animals and save animals please its humble request to all from Factblow.
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