16 facts about mars that enough to explore mars

Introduction about mars
The universe is full of interesting and mysterious facts. There is no limit to exploring the world that’s why factblow is trying to explore facts for you to get knowledge about the universe. Here, we will explore the facts about mars. Our researchers find some interesting facts about mars planet to explore the mystery of mars.
There are eight planets situated in our solar system, that is mercury, venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
And one of the most mysterious planets is mars which is the fourth planet in the solar system just after the earth. Mars gets its name from the Roman “God of War” and mars is also known as the “Red planet” cause of the huge amount of Iron oxide on the surface of Mars land and rock that’s why it looks Raddish. It has a thin Atmosphere and it is a terrestrial planet. Let’s explore more facts about mars for the shake of knowledge.
Have a look for mars
1. Average distance from the sun. | = 142 million miles |
2. Average speed in orbiting the sun. | = 14.5 miles per second |
3. Diameter. | = 4,220 miles |
4. Tilt of Axis. | = 25 Degrees |
5. Length of year. | = 687 Earth days |
6. Length of the day. | = 24 hours 37 minutes |
7. Gravity. | = 0.375 that o earth |
8. Temperature. | = Average -81 °C or -63 °F |
9. Atmosphere. | = Mostly Carbon dioxide, some water Vapour |
10. No. of moons | = Two (2) |
Quick facts about mars for quickly
- Mars is 142 million miles far from the sun.
- It is the 4th planet in the solar system. It is also called a “Red Planet“.
- Mars is too small in comparison to earth which is six mars that will fill the volume of earth. Now you can imagine the size of mars.
- If we talked about its Temperature Average temp. is capture is -81 °F (-63 °C) it’s too cold?
- 687 Numbers of days count on mars It is twice the days of earth.
- A person with a weight of 62 Kg on Earth. It will count 23.5 KG on mars.
- Let’s explore the atmosphere of mars it has 95% carbon dioxide, 2% Argon, 2% Nitrogen, 1% other, and unknown.
- Mars has less gravity (more than 63% less) than earth.
- The internal structure of mars is not identified yet what is but it is similar to our Earth.
- Do you know If a person jumps on the surface of mars it is 3 times high bounce in comparison to Earth?
1. The bloody red planet (mars) takes the name of the Roman “God of war”
Planet mars get its name from the Roman “God of War” because of the reddish color of the planet. Mars has blood-red color because of its dust and rock is rich of iron surface that’s why the color is reddish and the interesting fact about mars is other cultures like Chinese astronomers are called “fire star” while “Her Desher” is called by Egyptian priest all of those means is “The Red One“.
2. Mar has a similar structure to Earth.
In spite of mars being simply 15% the volume and 100% the mass of the earth. Its rally has a comparative landmass. since water cover, about 70% of Earth’s surface 37% of the gravity of mars is similar to the gravity of earth It means if you jump on the surface of mars it bounces 3 times higher than the earth.
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3. Phobos And Deimos are two Moons on mars.

Mars has two moons. It was discovered by Asaph hall astronomers in 1877. it named in Latin term that is Phobes Means “fear” and Deimos means “Panic”. When it discovered firstly some astronomers thought that it is Astroides or small satellites released by other countries in the solar system but it clear later that it a moon of mars.
4. The beautiful sunset color is blue on mars.
At the time of sunset on earth’s sky becomes Pinkish- red no doubt but it is opposite on mars sky becomes blue at the time of sunset which looks miracle view.
5. Mars is a perfect condition atmosphere for life (like Earth).

After researching for more than a century on mars Atmosphere. Astronomers say that mars are suitable as the earth for living beings they believe that we will fully prepare for shifting on mars in the next decade. we have done a number of missions for understanding Mars behavior.
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6. Mars pieces break into the forms of meteoroids spread to the Earth or other planets.
A study and brilliant space scientist said that they found most of the meteorites on the earth’s surface. It is similar to the martian Atmosphere like Contia gases, a chemical substance. it ejects to the mass and spread to other planets these Meteorites help astronomers for deep researchers on Mars’s Atmosphere.
7. Is Advanced species exist on mars?

An Italian Astronomers Giovanni Schiaparelli believed that an Advance or intelligent species are living on mars because of Evidence on the surface of mars canali where some Grooves are discovered that is created by someone says Giovanni Schiaparelli it looks as if someone builds that not naturally but later some astronomers refuse that it is an optical illusion which occurred by rovers.
8. Mars has seasonal changes like earth but it takes twice times to change.
Yes, due to the similarities to the earth, it has seasonal changes also mars tilts at about 25.19 degrees of the axis while the earth tilts at 22.5 degrees. so it changes season like earth but due to long distance from sun it takes twice times to change climate’
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9. Facts about mars Astronomers found traces of liquid water on Mars.

Mars Researchers found water in the form of ice many years ago but recently astronomers found some strains of liquid water on mars although astronomers say that this water could be salty to preventing for freezing or vapourising on the mars atmosphere.
10. The tallest mountain in the universe.

You heard about the tallest mountain in the world Mount Everest and the second tallest is K2 (Kilimanjaro) but have you heard about the tallest mountain in the universe or solar system yes tallest mountains are OLYMPUS MONS. It has 21 km in height and a 600 km Diameter shield volcano which is formed millions of years ago some scientist says that it is an active volcano on the base of volcanic lava spread around the volcano.
11. Giant dust storm comes on mars for the last month.
We know that mars have an elliptical shape (oval shape) orbit path around the sun this is the main cause of the huge fierce dust storm it covers entire planets and converts it into a big dusty storm.
12. The first artificial satellite was successfully launched.
On May 1971, Mariner 9 the first artificial satellite was launched successfully by NASA to mars orbit for analyzing its surface and the nature of mars environment the total no of 40 missions done by NASA to mars only 19 missions have been successfully done to Mars orbit for research.
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13. The half sun rises on the mars.

At the nearest highlight,(keep reading more facts about mars) the sun and the martian southern half of the globe incline towards the sun, causing a short strongly sweltering summer, while the northern side of the equator bears a concise cold winter at its northeast half of the globe incline toward the sun causing a long gently summers while the southern half of the globe preservers through a protected, cold winter.
14. A canyon was founded on mars named VALLES MARNERIS.
An Extensive canyon founded on the mars equator is known as VALLES MARINERIS. It is long as 4100 kilometers and 7 kilometers deep. if it is denoted to earth it can cover the whole North American continent.
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15. Mars has polar ice caps only similar to the earth.
Astronomers found frozen water ice caps on mars that are Planum Boreum is the northern cap and Planum Australe is the south cap.
16. Mars hasn’t a strong magnetic field but,

As we told you in QUICK FACTS (if you didn’t read that go to the top) that if a person jumps over the surface of mars it bounces 3 times more up to the earth’s surface.
Astronomers work on a number of mar missions to know more about mars and its Atmosphere, climate, nature, and life on Mars. Researchers believe that some more intelligent species are living on mar, they are hiding from us for some reason we don’t know why but some evidence proves that someone is there. Astronomers say that we are planning to move to mars planet because its environment is suitable for human beings. Next decade humans will be on mars.
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