20 tasty facts about Chocolate for your starve tummy

The chocolate word comes from Aztec “Xocoatl” has a bitter and spicy cocoa bean drink. Mexico and central and south America is native of CACAO Bean. For more fun facts about chocolate keep reading.
These Areas starting cultivating the beans firstly maybe earlier than 1250 B.C. Theobroma cacao tree which means “Food of the GOD” is Produce chocolate From Cacao beans.
Here are the most interesting facts about Chocolate for your gaining delicious knowledge about Chocolate.
Get a couch with your phone, computer, and tabs for this interesting article. Are you ready to explore more Quick chocolate facts?
Lets begin!
There are three types of chocolate:
- Dark Chocolate
- White Chocolate
- Milk Chocolate
Dark Chocolate: This is made from the cacao butter, vanilla, Sugar, Lecithin, and Chocolate liquor.
Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate contains milk fats, milk solids, cocoa butter, vanilla, sugar, lecithin, and Chocolate liquor.
White Chocolate: It does contain Chocolate liquor and all the ingredients are used the same as milk chocolate.
Facts about Chocolate
1. The First Chocolate Treat Was Hot Chocolate
At the wedding and Ceremenical functions has the first choice is Chocolate. it is mostly used on these occasions because its bitter concoction grows and prepared in Mexican and Aztec culture but not prepared like nowadays hot chocolate.
2. Once Currency made from chocolate

Aztecs also called Aztlan (“white land”). It was the largest empire in the 15th and 16th centuries. Now, it is central and southern Mexico. Aztecs used chocolate as a currency because the value of cocoa is more that’s why they issue chocolate as a currency.
3. England was invented the first chocolate bar.
Before the 19th-century chocolate uses as hot liquid chocolate or Cholalate coin shape or chocolate coin shape or another shape to enjoy the taste and sweetness of cocoa but in 1842 the first chocolate bar was invented by Cadbury company. Now the Cadbury is the one of the most famous chocolate company to serve the taste of love in the form of sweet chocolate.
4. Golden Chocolate Bar Fact.

You have heard about milk, white, and dark chocolate but do you hear about gold chocolate. yes, fact lovers the most expansive chocolate bar is offered by Cadbury company Named “The Wispa Wrapper bar “. It is Carmel Chocolate for Advertising its brand in the most competitive market to attract people by Wispa gold really people show interest in this Golden bar. chocolate has a real gold leaf wrapped in chocolate. It costs about $1430 per piece. Is your mouth watering. please tell me in the comment box and we hope you enjoy the chocolate taste.
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5. The Chocolate river.
In 1971, A real chocolate river was Exiting. It was created for the film “Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory” with 15000 gallons of water mixture of water cream and chocolate also not river got spoiled fairly quickly.
6. Chocolate is good for health
A study says chocolate reduces heart disease after consumption because it contains Phytonutrients. Cocoa beans are rich in many minerals, Copper, Magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc says Harvard T.H. cham school of public health but some amount of chocolate can not mean too much will help you to keep the heart-healthy.
7. Making chocolate is not a cakewalk
Do you know? How chocolate is prepared to serve us? if yes, tell us your different methods in the comment box. According to the factblow team, it is not a ake walk to making a chocolate bar for eating it takes too much effort to make it but now it is also easy just because of the machine.
8. Britain invented solid chocolate.

A small shop owner Fry and Sons was a Britishers and they founded the first solid Chocolate in 1847. They combine some ingredients like sugar, chocolate liquor, and cocoa butter to create a bar of solid or hard chocolate to take easily.
9. Cocoa beans uses for skincare products.

The skincare product is also made by cocoa beans because it dissolves easily with skin. It is perfact for moisturizing cream and also used in massage oil because it contains natural fats that are perfact for human skincare.
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10. Chocolate days celebrate like a festival.
July 7, 1550, was the day when the first cholate came to Europe that day was July 7, who brought chocolate all credit gone to Christopher Columbus. And one more coincidence was that July 28 is the day of national milk chocolate day and the international chocolate day is September 13.
11. Hot chocolate was favourite treat for Marie Antoinette.

Marie loves to take sweets like cake and chocolate but hot chocolate one of the most desiring desserts for Marie. she always used to take hot chocolate at the palace of Versailles.
Quick facts: In history 90% of chocolate used as in the liquid form as a drink.
12.Cocoa trees live up to 200 years
Sounds good for nature that cocoa trees live long for benefits our environment but it gives only cocoa beans for 25 years their lifetime.
13. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) by Chocolate
As we know everything has two faces one side is positive and another side is negative. Chocolate has also positive as well as negative effects. Positive we tell you and you the negative is ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) because chocolate contains caffeine and sugar used in large quantities for better taste. it will harmful to children as well as adults if take more and more.
14. Canadian kids strike for chocolate.
In 1947, There was a strike for chocolate due to the high price of chocolate the story was hundreds of Canadian kid went on strike for a chocolate bar just because its price become 5 cents to 8 cents it was too much for kids to increase 3 cents at a time.
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15. Chocolate never white.

you have heard many times the white chocolate but white chocolate is not a bar of chocolate because of chocolate made from cocoa beans which color is brown and black so it automatically converts its color like the dark. white chocolate is only the combination of ingredients to eat like a bar of chocolate.
16. Chocolate has a low melting point.
You know the water boiling points are 100o C better know but do you know the chocolate melting point. shocked to know that it is below from human body temperature it melts around 93o F. that’s why chocolate melts easily on your tongue.
17. Alcohol was crated by cocoa bean.

Cocoa beans used to prepare alcohol drinks for festivals or other occasions in earlier 1400 to1500B.C. They used alcohol just for a drink, not for addictions they use a too low amount of alcohol to take while In real, Resor Chas said the cocoa beans prepared to create alcohol but after some time it is used as a sweet dessert to eat for the sweet and happy occasion.
18. Chocolate contains toxic components.
Yes, chocolate has some toxic components, not for humans but dangerous for your pet the component named (THEOBROMINE). The human body easily metabolise the theobromine components but your pet can’t. It would make toxicity in the pet’s body.
19. Kinds of Cocoa
The first and tasty cocoa which is used as far ago that is Crillo Bean. Its taste is different and feeling good to eat and also healthy for the human body. The second one is Forastero Beans nowadays mostly preparing chocolate because it is easy to grow and reliable to use for the largest company.
20. Chocolate is a kind of Vegetable

Tropical cocoa trees (theobroma cocoa) grows cocoa beans like fruits which is related to the family of Malvaceae cocoa. It is a sweet treat like vegetables.
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Quick chocolate facts
- Coco-cola has less caffeine than Dark chocolate.
- 400 cocoa beans take to creates a single pond of chocolate.
- In the UK, there is a celebration of Thornton’s 100th birthday he asks for chocolate. It was weighing about 5792kg and the world’s largest chocolate bar also.
- We know dark, milk, and white chocolate but do you know the fourth and most rear variety if chocolate is BLOND CHOCOLATE.
- Chocolate has more the 600 different flavours while red wine has just 200 flavours It is three times.
- The blue color is a sign of death in Hong Kong in Shanghai that’s why there is no blue color chocolate packaging sold.
- First heart shape chocolate was made by Cadbury company by Richard Cadbury who was the son of Jhon Cadbury (Founder of Cadbury company) for the occasion of valentines days.
- Annually, 7 million chocolate chips eaten worldwide.
- In Melbourne, Australia there is the world’s largest chocolate sculpture situated that was 100 feet high easter egg with the weight of 2030kg.
- Worth rupees 121.1 billion chocolate sales in 2014.
Chocolate is the most desirable sweets on every occasion and children and adults both like these desserts. we are here to explain how chocolate interesting for all in history some of the most power full empires king loves to eat chocolate. once it was used as a currency by the Aztecs empire. these are all things that make chocolate more specials t learn about it so tell us to do you like these chocolate facts or not in the comment box.