50 Knowledge Facts About Life That Can’t Learn From Books.

Hey, factoids! are looking for fun facts and Random Facts about Life, So stop here you are at the right place because Factblow telling you the facts about life because life is full of interesting things. It is also fulfilled with joy whether it’s human animals or whatever. So what are you waiting for let’s get into this blog and one more thing doesn’t skip without reading the whole article.
Because this article contains lots of interesting and knowledgeable fun facts about life that really touch your heart and feel happy, so let’s started.
1. The human brain works 38 thousand trillion operations each time.
Let’s imagine if a computer works like a human brain then it can do more than 38 thousand trillion orations and command each second. It will be a more powerful computer in the universe although, it uses only 1 % of that power. It’s fun facts about life aren’t it?
2. Is 10$ sufficient to earn in a day?
Absolutely not, but in the world, approximately 81 % of the population lives their life at less than 10$ per day. Sound sad but true we have to accept it.
3. You can eat 3,000 years old things safely and healthily.
You have seen the expiry label on each food item that is less than 3 years to use safely but honey is one and only special item that can preserve for 3000 Years and be eaten safely without any bacterial and fungal effects.
4. You are reducing two years of your life just sitting in one place still.

If you are sitting in one place at a time in a day then you are reducing the two years of your life because doing no work for more time. It will be dangerous for health, especially for the stomach.
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5. Smile with your heart, not from the mouth.
A person who smiles by heart lives a more healthy life than those who smile only for showing someone that I am happy but in reality, they are sad and unhappy in their life. so, putting your all problem besides you and starting to laugh from your heart will solve your problem. Try it now.
6. Ants have more weight than humans.
Shocked, but absolutely right, if we put all humans and ants on weight at once weight measurement scale then ants would weight because ants have more than 12000 species with a population of 1 million billion (quadrillion) Ants spread all over the world.
7. Humans share their 60 % of DNA with a banana.
Yes, you have read right not any typing mistakes here human and banana DNA matches likely 60%. It is more than any other creature like animals or fruit that’s why doctors recommend taking more bananas to get more weight or energy.
8. Humans forget 90% of the dreams they had.
It’s normal that you have a dream last night when you wake up you aren’t able to recall what you had that’s why people forget 90% of a dream in their whole life.
9. Kolas bear has unique fingerprint-like human beings.
We describe more in facts about animals the kolas bear has unique identities as human’s fingers prints.
10. Changez khan may be your ancestor
There is a survey that says that 0.5 % of people are direct connections to related to Changez khan.
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11. Honeybees have hair on their eyeballs.

Do you think that’s why hair grows at awkward body parts? yes, so listen honeybees has hair on his eyeball sounds funny. but it’s real.
12. Men can’t live without staring at women. It’s in nature.
A survey found that men spend 365 days staring at women in whole life because it gives pleasure to them just staring “WOW” Like facts about life by Factblow for these lines.
13. Bones are more strength to stretch than steel.
Sounds horrible, but true a human bone is 5 times more strength to stretch or bend than steel. A steel rod can bend easily but not bones.
14. Have you ever spider while sleeping?
No, not at all, but In America, some people thought that they eat 7 to 10 spiders in their whole life while they sleep but it’s all Myths. Noone eats spiders because spiders are too intelligent they know where they are going and what they are doing.
15. The ancient university is Cambridge University.
One of the most famous universities in Cambridge university. It was stabilized at the time of the Ancients empire of Aztecs in the 1800s.
16. You eat more than 35 tons of meats in your whole life.
Yes, my fact lovers. An average person in the USA can take more than 35 tons of meats either it is veg or non Veg but they can do it in their whole life.
17. You can’t take a breath and swallow at the same time.
Have you noticed that if you eat something and swallow? At that time you are not able to take a breath. It’s the natural behavior of the body. Factblow recommended that don’t try it yourself. It is dangerous for health.
18. you spend 90 days(3 months) or more sitting on the toilet seat.
This time may vary just because of your smartphone if you are with it. A person spends three months of his whole life in the W.C.
19. A human skin replaces its tissue completely 900 times in whole life.
A study says that the human body can replace its skin regularly whether it is damaged or not it happened 900 times in its entire life to prevent harmful skin disease.
20. we are drink water molecules every dinosaurs drink.

Do you hear about dinosaurs? obviously heard, but do you know that if you are drinking a glass of water that at least one molecule of every glass of water that dinosaurs drink ever.
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21. A person eats 7000 animals in a lifetime.
If are you a non-vegetarian and love to eat meat then you have to know that you are eating about 7000 Animals in your life. Sound weird but you have to deserve it.
22. You are two inches taller in space.
At the time of space, study astronomers find that a human becomes two inches taller in space than on earth. It happens due to the absence of gravity.
23. Regularly washing your hands can save 1 million people.
Due to coronavirus, it’s necessary to wash your hands after every 30 minutes but before coronavirus humans also carry lots of viruses and bacteria in their hand and they spread to others while shaking hands to each other.
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24. If a person yawns in front of you you will be yawning too.
Yes, a human will yawn 250k times in his entire life, and a strange thing about life is that if I will yawning in front of someone they will too. It is interesting, isn’t it?
25. Your wife is spending more money on makeup than you think.
How much your wife is spending on his makeup? don’t know, okay you shouldn’t know because a British woman uses $160,000 for his makeup in his whole life.
26. The human tongue takes too little time to heal any wound than other body parts.
The human body has more power full cells (W.B.C i.e. White blood cells) heel cuts and wounds on the skin but the tongue can do. It’s less time than other body parts.
27. A newborn baby hasn’t any fingerprints till the age of three months.
After three months, fingerprints are going to develop but not to use as an identity of the baby it is not developed completely it takes 5 years to develop completely as an identity.
28. Men have less life than a woman.
It is because of immune system women has a more powerful immune system than men because man release lots of energy in the form of work and during mating, which reduce the life of men than woman.
29. A kid’s brain put up 18 questions in an hour.

Have you a kid? then ready to collect knowledge for you kid because a young kid (2 to 5 years) old have a bunch of question to the answer that how why what when they won’t answer of them as the study says that kids have a passion to learn and they can easily get it in the minds.
30. Taking sleep is good but too much will harmful.
Do you know these fun facts about life that a person takes good sleep? It means taking 7 hours of sleeping time. They will spend 6 years of sleep in their lifetime. It is good for healthy minds if you sleep well then you live well.
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31. You can fill two average size swimming pools from your mouth saliva.
If we see tasty food our mouths fill with water. It happens because slave gland release saliva to wet dry food and easily swell down to our stomach it realized enough silva to fill two swimming pool in our whole life.
32. The elephant is the only creature that has four knees on the planet.
All animals have the same body structure special joints are similar to the human body but there is a creature on the planet that has four knees that are Elephants.
33. Women blink twice than men.
Women’s hearts generally beats faster than men that’s why woman blink twice as men do. it s short but interesting facts about life.
34. You take more and more steps every day.
Are you taking steps in your life obviously but we are not talking about the decision. we are talking about the footsteps that you take 183755600 steps in your lifetime. Interesting or not, tell us in the comment section.
35. Keep reading books for a healthy life.

Are you love to read books then the good news for you is that you are extending 2 years of your life expectation because Yale researchers found that those persons read books who live longer than those who don’t read.
36. Most of the body parts contain three-letter words.
Keep reading interesting Facts About Life. Eyes, ear, lip, jaw, arm, rib, leg, toe, and gum. We are not telling you the body part names, Notice some things that most of the names of the parts contain only three letters. It coincides or not what your thoughts tell us.
37. 99% of calcium is carried by your teeth.
Calcium is the most important element for a body but do you know that 99% of calcium carries by your teeth only that is why it looks more white than other bones.
38. You can’t live without sleeping.
If you are thinking to do work hard. Do but don’t cut your sleeping time because Factblow tells that reason he people can service up to 2 months without eating anything but can’t survive more than 10 to 11 days without sleeping It’s scientifically proven.
39. Do you know your body is wrapped with nine pounds of bacteria?
No, Don’t worry about that because not all bacteria which are present in our human body are harmful. Some are protected us from many kinds of bacteria and diseases.
40. Don’t take retirement from work for a good life.
Are you at the age of 65 and thinking to take retirement and want to take some rest? so, stop don’t do it because it will reduce your life expectancy a study found that people who work after 65 live more than retire people.
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41. A human needs to take 7 hours of sleep in 24 hours.

Now a day, all humans are too busy with their work or earning money. So, they work all night. It is harmful to the brain and body too. Doctors suggest taking 7 hours of sleep in a day for a healthy life.
42. You will lose half of your taste buds at the age of 60 years
We all love to eat tasty foods and want to eat them forever. You can but sad to know that you will lose taste buds to taste like younger ones.
43. You will round around the world 5 times. How?
A survey found that an average person walks in the morning and does their work on their feet. They will walk around 75000 miles (120000 km) in their lifetime. It will round 5 times the world.
44. People spend more and more time on the phone.

People and parents say that phones are dangerous for health and don’t use them more for a better life. A survey found that the average Us citizen spends more than 5 months of his life on the phone only for talking to someone else. Serving net or social media is not included in this.
45. Women take too much time to decide what to wear.
Guys, you won’t believe that women take 1 year to decide what to wear in an entire lifetime. It’s my favorite fact about life.
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46. The left-hand user is more intelligent but does not live longers.
As many scientists and geniuses use their left hand to do work and scientists research that a left-hand user uses their right side brain and right hand and vice versa but they don’t live long as the study found.
47. You waste six months of shaving (not saving).
Have your hairy face and have too much mustache and beard on your face. You will be spending almost six months shaving in your lifetime.
48. A baby is born with 300 bones but it will remain 206 bones till adulthood.
An adult man has 206 bones but at the age of childhood, it’s 300. It gets to reduce or joint itself other and remains.
49. Do you know that A human has a home of 37 trillion of cells?

50. Your nose length is.
After getting these fascinating facts about life many of you try this. Your thumb length is equal to your nose. Yes or No. Don’t forget to tell us.
You know better life is not easy to live for those who can’t struggle in this era but if you have a bunch of problems in your life. So there is a way to make it happy read some positive thoughts and explore more about life. How to live a good life with happiness. We hope you enjoy our thought and share them with others
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