30 Facts About Earth For Knowledge And Fun

Earth is a home planet of an estimated 15 million different species but science has known only 2 million species and one of the most life-friendly planets in which 7.9 billion humans are living on the earth. It is the fifth-largest planet with a radius of 6378 km or 3959 miles in our solar system. The most interesting facts about Earth is The only planet that has liquid water and water available for safe drinking is Earth.
You live on the earth but how do you know about earth let’s explore the Amazing facts about earth.
Do you know all planets in our solar system were named by Greek or Roman deity but our planet is only the planet named on GERMANIC WORD “Earth” which means “The Ground“
It’s one of the most interesting facts about earth. I hope you too, we have more interesting facts like this so, stick with this article don’t forget t give feedback.
Quick overview of Earth
1. Average distance from the sun. | = 149,600,000km[92,960,000 miles] |
2. Average speed in orbiting the sun. | = 67,000 miles per hour |
3. Radius | = 3959 miles or 6378km |
4. Tilt of Axis. | = 29.440 Degrees |
5. Length of year. | = 365.25 days |
6. Length of the day. | = 23 hours 56 minutes 4 second |
7. Gravity. | = 980cm/sec2 (32.2 feet/sec2) at sea level |
8. Temperature. | = Average 15 °C or 59 °F |
9. Atmosphere. | = Molecular nitrogen 78%, molecular oxygen 21%, carbon dioxide 0.0395% or its rising |
10. Surface Area | 510,064,472 km2 |
11. Mass | 5972 × 1024 kg |
12. No. of moons | = One (1) |
Quick Facts About EARTH
- Do you know the earth is moving around the sun at the speed of 67000 miles (1,07,826km) per hour?
- 6000 lighting flashes got every minute on the earth. it’s amazing facts about earth.
- Manali is the most crowded city in the Philippines with a population of 1,660,714 in an area of 38.55 sq. kilometers.
- sunlight takes about 8 minutes and 19 seconds to fall down to the earth’s surface.
- The distance between the earth and the sun is approx. 150 million kilometers (93 million miles).
- The most active volcano is Stromboli volcano on the west coast of southern Italy according to the US geological survey. It erupts every 2000 years after.
- Only less than a 1% chance of earth colliding with another planet.
The First Image Of Earth Was Taken In October 24, 1946.

It was a historical moment the first image of the earth was black and white and of low quality. It is taken by a German v2 rocket which is developed and designed by a scientist after extracting a bomb and converting it into taking a picture from space
How Earth Is Old.

According to the researcher and the oldest rocks on the planet are called Nuvvuagittuq Belt. It is situated on the Hudson Bay on Northern Quebec’s coast.
A study said the dating Method ( to know the age and when it was formed) earth was formed 428 billion years ago. At the same time meteorites also formed. This earth fact is interesting, isn’t it?
Is earth the center of the Universe?

Claudius Ptolemy was the Astro observer, he thought that earth is the center of the universe. He gave a Ptolemaic Model. Earth is the center of the universe after observing stars and seasonal changes.
Middle in the 16th century A new theory was given by Galileo and Copernicus, who said that the earth isn’t the center of the universe. Earth just Moves around the sun Galileo released a book on the theory of Earth after 2 months of publishing the book, he died.
Typhoons And Hurricanes Are Same

Hurricanes come from North Atlantic and the Northern Pacific ocean Wherever Typhoons come from climate change anywhere. It is the difference most people are confused about it.
No Ocean Will Be In Future.

One of the best facts about the earth is, After 1.2 billion years ocean will completely disappear from the Earth because of the sun’s age, Sun grows bypass the time it becomes bigger and brighter in the future, and also the hottest substance causes the temperature will rise approx. 48 0c to 50 0c temperature surface and also pull up the greenhouse effect.
If Global warming rises then the ocean will evaporate in the form of water vapor or comes into gases this effect also extinct single-cell type organisms it is an interesting fact about Earth’s future. Isn’t it?
Humans Are Melting Glaciers.

Now a day some powerful country test their weapons’ like nuclear test spread in the atmosphere through radio activities when it gets rain these radioactive particles drops in the form of rainwater as snow drops on the glacier and it melts the glacier ice and most of the glaciers are melting fast.
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Moon Formed By Collision.

Some scientist says the moon was formed by a collision with a Mars-size object named Theia. And, many of them said the largest thing may be a planet, comet, or asteroid colliding with earth and forming ” The MOON”. but all the above concept thoughts are unclear yet while research is continue
The next Earth might be surprised you
The largest Ocean On The Earth Is The Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean covers the earth’s 50% of the land it’s about 155 million square kilometers (59 million square miles) which is the largest ocean on the earth.
If all the continents get together then it will cover an area like the pacific ocean.
Super Salty Lake Superb Earth facts
Yes, my learner we know lakes are salt but here it is super salty lakes also called the dead sea. It is the lowest point on Earth. It is between the west bank of Jorden and Israel. sounds weird but true.
70% Earth Cover by Ocean.

70% of the earth’s surface is covered by the ocean which means humans explore and know about only 5% and the remaining 95% is unexplored and undiscovered by humans even scientists say most of the species are living in the deep sea which doesn’t know by us.
Exploding lakes.

There are three dangerous lakes (1).NYOS (2).MO NOUN (3).KIVU. It is a crater lake situated on top of volcanic earth. Carbon dioxide released by Magma from below the surface of the lake, its form carbon dioxide will rich above the lake make an explosion bypassing asphyxiating.
One Moon Extinct From Earth.
A study says earth had two moons in the past which spanned about 750 miles (1200km) wide but the time passes it gets away or clashes with some extinct theory isn’t it getting but study going on to prove it?
READ MORE:- 15 Facts About Moon Has The Answer To Everything.
Moon Pulls The Earth.

Yes, guys, this sounds weird but true, the moon has there owned gravity, and its pulls on the earth slightly but it causes the earth to slow down approx. 17mm in every 100 years. Earth takes more time to complete an orbit and after 149 million years it becomes 24 hours to 25 hours in a day.
Moon Quakes

You heard about Earthquakes but Do you know about the moon also got quacks? When tidal stress varies the distance between Moon and Earth.
Earthquakes are more powerful and disaster able but the moonquakes were less intense consent it was just a bit shaken up.
One More Earth.

The scientist is also curious to find another planet with life. They want to know if there are others living with us in this universe. some say yes, but some say ‘No’.
But here is a planet like earth named Kepler 22-b. It is similar to earth’s environment with the presence of water but scientists are not sure about the presence of life it will find soon. It’s fabulous facts about the earth.
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Giant creature On The Earth.

Earth has the most giant creature but nothing like General Sherman’s Giant Sequoia. It is one of the most giant trees now present in the world. Its 275 feet(83 meters) tall and 36 feet (11m) in diameter. It is also known as a stem tree(see the above image). Its trunk covers more than 52,500 cubic feet.
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Comic Dust Around The Earth.
It’s a part of comets and other substances present the out of the earth (space) it breakdown when it is close to the sun and enters the earth’s atmosphere in the form of dust particles and it looks like sprinkled dust with around 100 tons every day.
Solar System has Only One Haviest Planet ‘The Earth‘.
Jupiter is one of the largest planets in the solar system but most of the elements in the gases form. Earth has only a radius of 63731km and its density is 5.50g/cm2 and the other hand Jupiter has only1.30g/cm2. The interesting thing is Jupiter has approx. The same density to the earth is 5.43g/cm2 and its radius is 69911km.
Green House Is Necessary For Earth.

Yes, guy this earth fact more amazing the greenhouse is necessary and it is in need of our earth to control the temperature and maintain gases if the greenhouse is not working the temperature of the earth will be -18 oc which is not good for living beings.
gases like Methane, carbon dioxide water vapors, etc, these gases keep in the atmosphere to heat up the environment but they will be harmful when it gets more and more quantity in the atmosphere called Global Warming.
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We Are Moving All The Time.
Hey, guy Stop and Stand still, do you think you are standing? No, you are moving every single second let me tell you how the earth is spinning all the time and you too and it speed approx 900 to 1000 miles per hour according to where you stand, At equator moves faster while the south or north pole would be still. It’s more interesting about Earth Isn’t it?
Keep reading Keep Learning about Earth Fact.
The extreme Continent of Earth Is Antarctica

Do you know about the Ice desert yes guy Ice desert Antarctica is also known as the Ice Desert its insertion snow approx. 250 millimeters (2 inches) of precipitation in a year.
The Atacama Has Never Rain.
Earth is full of history and surprising things one of them is the Atacama desert of Chile and peruse where never rains it is the driest desert on the planet Earth.
World’s largest Stalagmite.

What is Stalagmite stagnate it formed when mineral deposits have precipitated from water dripping it is an upward growing mound onto the floor of a cave.
here Factblow is going to tell the fact that is the world’s largest stalagmite found in Cuba in the Cuevo san Martin Infierno. Its name is spelunker a boy? Its height is 220 feet 67.2 meters or rises day by day.
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The walking Rock.

You heard about walking trees that were myths but we are talking about walking rocks. It is in the race trace playa in the death valley. There is a huge store that moves the bog rock by its waves the weight of the rock maybe ten or hundred pounds sometimes.
NASA researchers said that ice-encrusted rock gets inundated from the hill by meltwater on-playa caused to move the rock from one place to another.
First-person Reach to Southpole.
You have a dream to go to some beautiful place as it is a person name ROALD AMUNDSEN was the first person reaches the south pole, he started his journey June 1910 and finally reached to the Antarctica January 1911 by ship frame and dog cart and four more people with him.
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Mountains are formed by two types.

The first one is when super volcanos get erupt and melt their hot lava it gets more and more height. After drying, it takes Mountains to shape like the Andes mountains in the south American pacific rim of fire.
The second one is the two continents bumped into each other and collusion makes huge mountains like the Himalayas which formed when two palates slammed.
Typhoon Warling Was Historic Storm.
Philippians was the country was destroyed by Typhoon Warling it moved from north to south after destroying everything.
It was the historic and largest typhoon in history it moved at the speed of 305 km/h and its maximum diameter was 2220 km. It is a huge, how interesting fact about earth typhoon it kills more than 90 people and loses millions of dollars.
Sun will older and life will be in danger.

Everything has its age and it will get bigger at once in the lifelike sun has also, it get bigger and brighter by its gain age and also close to the earth, as a result, all life will be in danger. It will happen after 600 Million years the sunlight will destroy the carbon dioxide from the air cause no photosynthesis will take place means the plant will lose its life and ultimately animals also die when no food is available for animals.
Scientist expects after 800 million single and multicellular life cells totally extinct when the sun increases its heat and people will oblige to get in the cooler area may be underground or in polar areas. It’s horrible fact about Earth but true.