11 Facts About Trees For Saves The Environment

Hey, there this is Factblow, here I and my team want to share some important and interesting keys about trees to know the importance of natural life-saving medicine which is given by nature. Trees are the natural beauty of the world. Let imagine a world without trees, it just like that head without hair, sounds weird. Trees are the life of all living beings either it homo sapiens(Human beings) or other creature. They are a part of our life without them nothing remains on the earth. Trees are the natural oxygen plant in the world. They produce oxygen and give life to live and take back carbon dioxide, give fruits to eat, a place to live, wood to create. We have some interesting facts about trees to get more about trees.
Human cuts the trees to use or build their house it reduces millions of trees in a year. It’s horrible for living humans to live without trees it’s impossible but as time passes humans don’t think about animals, they will homeless even humans don’t think about humans, they won’t able to live without trees so here we are telling some interesting facts about trees.
We hope that after reading this article you will plant trees and encourage others to plant a trees for bright future. So stuck with this article read and learn 11 Facts about trees. Let’s begin
Quick Facts about trees:-
- Do you know, There are more than 60,000 species of trees are present in the world. Most of them exist in Brazil, Colombia, And Indonesia.
- If you have stress, spend your time with trees to reduce stress.
- Trees have the power to obstruct noise by bringing down unexpected sound waves.
- A study says a tree can drink more than 2000 liter of water in a year.
- In research, scientists say trees can communicate with each other.
1. Trees Shield Children From Ultra-Violet Rays.

In the United States, Skin cancer is the most common disease in form of cancer. Trees reduce UV-B exposure by about 50 percent thus providing protection to children to school campuses and Playgrounds where children spend hours outdoors.
2. Trees Heal
Studies have shown that patients with a view of trees out their windows heal faster and with fewer complications. ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) shows fewer symptoms in children when they have access to nature. Hypothermia to trees and nature aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue.
3. Trees Provides Food

An average apple tree can produce up to 15-20 bushels (1 Bushel is equal to 8 gallons (equivalent to 36.4 liters) of fruit per year and can be planted on the tiniest urban lot. Trees provide food for birds and wildlife, after fulfillment of fruit for humans.
4. Trees Save Water

Shade from trees slow water evaporating from thirsty lawns. Only fifteen gallons of water need for newly planted trees to fulfill their needs to create his food or other sufficient things a week. Trees increase atmospheric moisture, as they transpire.
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5. Trees Provides Oxygen
An acre of full-grown trees can easily provide enough amount of oxygen for 18 people to live a healthy life for one year.
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6. Fact Is Trees Clean The Air

Trees absorb stench and toxicating gases like (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their bark and leave.
7. Trees Cool The Streets And The City

Last 50 years, Los Angeles has increased by 6° F as average temperatures as tree coverage has declined and the number of heat-absorbing roads and buildings has increased day by day.
8. Trees conserve energy
If an average family house planted three trees around their house in a systematic way, it will reduce 50 percent usage of your Air Conditioner in summertime also save electricity for the future. Planting those trees also prevents carbon dioxide and other toxic chemical emissions from the electric power plant.
9. Trees Prevent Water Pollution.

Trees reduce runoff by breaking rainfall thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the earth below the tree. This process prevents stormwater from carrying toxic or pollutant particles to the ocean. When mulched, trees act like a sponge to recharge groundwater supplies that filters this water naturally and uses it for reuse in daily life activity.
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10. Trees Conflict The Green House Effect.

Humans are destroying tropical rain forests and other greeneries for built their residence, by doing this. It is excessing greenhouse gases results in Global warming. It is also increased by burning fossil fuels. Heats from the sun reflected back from the earth, are trapped in this thickening layer of gases, causing global temperatures to rise. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a major greenhouse gas. Trees take Carbon dioxide(CO2), removing, and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air for a fresh atmosphere.
11. Trees Prevent Soil Erosion
Trees slow runoff and hold soil in place, On hillsides or stream slopes.
Conclusion: facts about trees
We try to you understand, how the trees are valuable in our life as well as others by the help of our article Facts about trees If you read this whole article you will definitely know the importance of trees.
Save Trees Save the Earth
- Stop them to cut the trees,
- Pause them to kill nature,
- End them to destroy the future,
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